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Collaboration with EU-Openscreen for Screening Advancements
julio 4, 2023Monday and Tuesday 26 and 27 of June we received two researchers from the EU-Openscreen partnersite University of Minho, Centre of…
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ES-OPENSCREEN Satellite Workshop 2022
octubre 14, 2022El viernes, 7 de octubre, se celebró el ES-OPENSCREEN Satellite Workshop, enmarcado dentro del 2nd EU-OPENSCREEN INDUSTRY LIAISION OFFICE Meeting del…
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EU-OPENSCREEN Academic Compounds Initiative Valencia 2022
diciembre 19, 2022El lunes, 12 de diciembre, se celebró el EU-Openscreen & ES-Openscreen Academic Compounds Initiative, que se desarrolló en el Centro de…
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Mabel Loza explains the creation of the spanish public chemolibrary, a key iniciative in research
octubre 25, 2024A few weeks ago, the newspaper El Mundo highlighted the progress of the Complementary Plan for Biotechnology Applied to Health in…
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Promotion of the Spanish Library at Galicia Biodays 2024
junio 14, 2024Galicia Biodays 2024, organized by Bioga, took place on June 12-13, highlighting the promotion of the Spanish library. Mabel Loza (USC-CIMUS)…
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diciembre 12, 2022Fundación MEDINA, Granada, November 23, 2022. Las presentaciones de las iniciativas de compuestos académicos de EU-OPENSCREEN y ES-OPENSCREEN llevadas a cabo…
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